Readers Write



Reader has trust that the system works

Regarding our voting system, it seems to me, honest people trust each other, and our system “works.” Though some have questioned our system and the ability of computers to count, I have confidence in computers, my neighbors, their ability and their integrity.

In our lives, we must trust others. We trust others will stop at a red light. When we board an airplane, we turn right and have a seat. We don’t go up and check the pilot’s credentials and ask if he or she is sure we have enough fuel. When President Ronald Reagan was shot, the on-duty ER physicians were trusted. No one waited until for the department chair to do surgery.

Most of us should have confidence in each other and each other’s integrity. Our system works. I’m looking forward to Nov. 5.


Is there any evidence in ‘rigging’ the election?

With all the angst about “if the voting process secure,” it might be helpful to look at the past.

In 2016, Donald Trump won the election in Georgia on electronic machines with no auditable paper trail. Yes, there were complaints about some counts being illogical. But the results were certified without any meaningful inquiries. In 2020, the election was conducted on electronic machines with auditable paper backup. After numerous recounts and audits, Republicans refused to accept that Trump had lost and plotted to overcome pesky evidence.

Is there any evidence that would implicate one party or another in “rigging” an election? Please think rather than just accept the relentless propaganda that the “deep state” cabal is occupied by Democrats.