Woodstock father, son both charged in child porn investigation

Michael Cory Lemay, 44, was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography just days after his son was arrested in his UGA dorm room on similar charges.

Credit: AJC File

Credit: AJC File

Michael Cory Lemay, 44, was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography just days after his son was arrested in his UGA dorm room on similar charges.

A Woodstock man was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography just days after his adult son was arrested on similar charges, law enforcement officials said.

A single investigation led first to the arrest of 20-year-old Gabriel Cory Lemay on March 3, followed by the arrest of his father, 44-year-old Michael Cory Lemay, on March 8, according to Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Capt. Jay Baker.

The investigation began when detectives at the sheriff’s office received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about child pornography being accessed from the Lemays’ house, Baker said.

Gabriel Lemay, a University of Georgia student, is facing 15 counts of sexual exploitation of children, Baker confirmed. In an arrest warrant, he is accused of having photos on his computer showing child rape and molestation of children under the age of 10.

Cherokee deputies first attempted to arrest Gabriel Lemay at his family home in Woodstock but found that he had returned to school in Athens, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution previously reported. UGA police located him in his dorm room and arrested him there, Baker said.

Michael Lemay faces five counts of sexual exploitation of children. His arrest warrant accuses him of having an external hard drive that had five videos of an adult woman sexually molesting children thought to be between 3 and 6 years old, Baker confirmed.

Both Lemays have been granted bond with conditions similar to sex offender restrictions, including no contact with children and limited computer use, Baker confirmed. Gabriel Lemay was granted bond March 5 and his father was released on bond Tuesday.

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