Q: I just received a very pretty heavy bowl. I don’t know if it is glass or crystal but I noticed it had several chips around the edges. Do you know of anyone who can sand out these chips? Thank you in advance for whatever help you can give me. — Agnes Verska, email
A: Agnes, I suggest calling Adamark Jewelers & Silversmiths, 4880 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, 770-565-6558, regarding your chipped bowl. For five decades, this family-run jewelry business has offered repair services for watches, clocks, crystal and holloware. Adamark also cleans, repairs and replates silver, brass, copper and pewter pieces. And if you dropped your favorite spoon down the garbage disposal, you can have it straightened at Adamark.
Q: I have two cassette tapes that have become unattached from the spooling. Is there anywhere I might have them repaired, and would that establishment be able to copy them to CD format? Thank you for your assistance. — William J. Prudner, Kennesaw
A: William, I didn’t find anyone in your neighborhood, but I did speak to someone at Current Pixel, 1000 Holcomb Woods Parkway, Roswell, 404-256-4108, who said they could perform the services you need. Current Pixel, formerly Video Impact, has been in the business since 1985. The company offers myriad services, including film and audio transfers, photo scanning and audio-visual editing. Repairing a cassette costs $19.99; converting a tape up to 80 minutes long to a CD costs $24.99 and $34.99 for a 120-minute tape.
Q: I am trying to locate a bottle of Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey. I can only find it in Texas. Whenever I Google it, it shows local locations, but they don’t have it. Thank you in advance! — Dwania Mac, Conyers
Credit: Handout
Credit: Handout
A: Dwania, I found bottles of Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey at Royal Package, 5464 Lawrenceville Hughway, Lilburn, 770-564-9990. A 750-ml bottle sells for $26.99.
Having trouble finding a particular item? Sabine Morrow will try to help you locate it. Because of the volume of mail, we cannot track down every request. Email sabinem.morrow@gmail.com (include your name, the city you live in and a daytime phone number) or call 404-526-5931 and leave a voicemail with that information.
Sabine Morrow is a freelance writer who has been digging up hard-to-find items and services for readers since 2004.
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