Today's Video Headlines

Why 400,000 cases of peanut butter got stuck in a political tug-of-war
Credit & Sources: AJC | AP | Internal Rescue Committee | The Times and The Sunday Times | Getty | Mana Nutrition | BBC

Is laughter the best medicine? These clowns say yes
Credits: AJC | Robyn Hutson, Fraser Jones Sources: Red Nose International | Scientific Reports | Journal of Clinical Nursing | Laughter League

Step inside CNN Center's future transformation
The former CNN Center is undergoing a major transformation, with plans to reimagine the mixed-use space under its new name, "The Center." Credit: CP Group

How data centers are transforming Atlanta into a tech giant
Credits: Getty|Jasper Chatbox|Tesla|Pexels|Microsoft|Google|ChatGPT|Dice|Georgia Power|WSJ|The Times|Politico|Reuters|Edged|Switch|GS|Univ. of Tulsa|WaPo|CBRE
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Club 291
A lively crowd fills most of the well-worn seats at the legendary Club 291 in southwest Atlanta.

Meet the rare class of 100 year olds who live in Atlanta
Centenarians hold secrets to longevity, whether through resilience or genetics. Hear their stories in the South, where life expectancy is the lowest in the US.

Fast facts on Ted Danson
Actor Ted Danson is best known for his starring role on the NBC sitcom "Cheers" in the 1980s and early '90s. He's also a conservationist and an author.