Lois Norder

In a career spanning four decades, Norder has led investigative projects that have changed laws, exposed wrongdoing and protected the vulnerable. In 2023, her reporters' project Dangerous Dwellings, revealing how thousands of Georgians live in apartments beset with crime and squalor, won the National Headliners investigative reporting award. In 2020, her reporters won a National Headliners public service award for their project, Unprotected, detailing dangers in Georgia's senior care facilities. In 2017, their groundbreaking investigation Doctors & Sex Abuse revealed that thousands of doctors across the nation had sexually exploited patients yet were allowed to continue to practice. The project was a Pulitzer finalist for national reporting and won several national awards, including the Scripps Howard Investigative Reporting Award and the Philip Meyer Award. She joined the AJC in 2012 from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where she was managing editor for news and directed award-winning investigations that uncovered kickback schemes, environmental threats, education boondoggles, consumer rip-offs and financial mismanagement. In 2008, she was honored with a national award recognizing exceptional work by an editor. Previously, she was city editor at the Shreveport Journal in Louisiana. Norder, who began her career in Iowa, is a graduate of Drake University. She can be contacted at Lois.Norder2@ajc.com.
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