With reports of “Nature Boy” Ric Flair’s hospitalization over the weekend, take a moment and read of of Flair’s best quotes.
Initial reports stated Flair was hospitalized for routine monitoring, but ESPN reported on Sunday Flair had been admitted to an intensive care unit.
Here are 10 of Flair’s best quotes:
- "I'm Ric Flair! The stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' and dealin' son of a gun."
- "To be the man, you gotta beat the man."
- "If you don't like it, learn to love it."
- "I'm every woman's dream and every man's nightmare."
- "For me, it's about camaraderie. My whole life is like, if something's going on, nothing ever preceded fun. I always put my friends and the fun and the business ahead of everything."
- "Diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair."
- "I bleed like nobody else."
- "I was really good at being a bad guy; I like that role. Not being bad to people— just talking bad."
- "In my life, I've been a movie star, a rock star and a sports star all wrapped into one and worked harder at it than anybody else."
- "My problem is that I think everybody needs to work as hard as I worked when I was in my prime."
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