Bristol Palin and husband Dakota Meyer welcome new baby girl

HOLLYWOOD, CA - OCTOBER 02:  Bristol Palin arrives for Ubisoft Presents The Launch Of Just Dance 4 at Lexington Social House on October 2, 2012 in Hollywood, California.  (Photo by Gabriel Olsen/FilmMagic)

Credit: Gabriel Olsen

Credit: Gabriel Olsen

HOLLYWOOD, CA - OCTOBER 02: Bristol Palin arrives for Ubisoft Presents The Launch Of Just Dance 4 at Lexington Social House on October 2, 2012 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Gabriel Olsen/FilmMagic)

Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, gave birth to her newest baby girl on Monday.

Palin, who is married to U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer, shared an Instagram photo of herself posing with Dakota and baby Atlee Bay.

Atlee joins Palin’s other two children, son Tripp and daughter Sailor Grace.