TikTok users are clinging to the app to share their pain associated with unsatisfactory bowel movements. This viral phenomenon, tagged #GhostPoops, is actually more common than you might think.
There are a few reasons why this might happen. According to social media and gastroenterologists, this fecal phenomenon hashtag is used to describe gas that feels like you’ve had a bowel movement, stool that sinks to the bottom of the toilet and out of sight, or no sign of feces after wiping, Today.com reported.
“The sphincters in our rectum are incredibly intelligent and sensitive parts of our body,” Dr. Rabia De Latour, gastroenterologist at NYU Langone Health, told Today.com.
One possibility is constipation, which can be caused by dehydration, lack of fiber, certain medications and other reasons. However, according to Latour, diets that are high in fiber can also cause your No. 2 to ghost you.
Before posting about your toilet troubles, here are four ways to help prevent them.
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
- Eat a diet high in fiber.
- Get regular exercise.
- Don’t ignore the urge to go to the bathroom.
If you’re having occasional ghost BMs, it’s probably not a cause for concern. However, if they’re happening frequently or are accompanied by pain or bleeding, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.
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