Soldier returns from Middle East to surprise nurse mom for the holidays

Facts about being a nurse .There are 4.2 million registered nurses and 950,000 LVN’s in the United States.The United States is home to more than 996 baccalaureate nursing programs.There are 4x as many nurses in the United States than physicians.Registered nurses make up about 2% of the total workforce in the United States. A study found that nurses walk an average of 4-5 miles during a 12-hour shift.

Dec. 15 marked a momentous and heartfelt reunion for combat medical specialist Sgt. Kate Cole. The Nebraska National Guard hero surprised her mother, Kris, during her shift as a nurse in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit at the local hospital Bryan Health, news outlet 1011 Now reported.

Deployed to the Middle East in February, Sgt. Cole had been working firsthand with other medics and doctors to treat combat emergencies and stabilize wounded soldiers with the Charlie Troop 1-134 Cavalry Squadron for the post 10 months. On Dec. 7, the Nebraska native — and 90 of her fellow troops — earned a ticket home for the holidays.

To surprise her mother, Sgt. Cole told Kris that her tour had been extended and that she consequently would not be coming home for the holidays. Then the combat medical specialist went into action, surprising her mother on the morning of Dec. 15 with a visit to the Bryan East Campus. They had not seen each other since Sgt. Cole’s deployment.

“My mom has always been my biggest role model,” Sgt. Cole told 1011 Now. “She taught me how to be a caring and compassionate person and to always serve those around me. I’m so thankful and blessed to surprise her and be able to spend Christmas with her everyone here at home.”

According to the Nebraska nurse, seeing her daughter at the end of her shift was a welcome surprise.

“Nobody said a word to me about any of this,” Kris told 1011 Now. “I’m so surprised she is home! We were just starting to plan our family get together for Christmas. And now Kate will be with us. It’s been a stressful 10 months, but I know her whole unit is well trained and taken care of. I’m just so excited to have her back.”