Georgia Nurses Foundation opens application period for 2023 scholarships

Just like many occupations, the higher a nurse’s level of education, the higher salary they can expect.

In Georgia, for example, a registered nurse can make about $30,000 more than a licensed practical nurse.

If you want to continue your education — for both professional and monetary reasons — the Georgia Nurses Foundation might have a scholarship to help you pay for it.

“The Foundation endeavors to empower nurses to reach their full potential, and thereby help alleviate the nursing shortage in Georgia,” GNF president Wanda Jones, BSN, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, said in an emailed press release.

“We want to support any enrolled students with a commitment to the practice and profession of nursing in our state, whether a non-registered nurse seeking a baccalaureate in nursing or a registered nurse wanting to further their education through a master’s or doctorate degree in nursing,” she added.

More information and applications can be found at Scholarships | Georgia Nurses Association | Nursing Network.

The application process runs through May 31. Money for the scholarships is provided through contributions to the Georgia Nurses Foundation Scholarship Program.

The Georgia Nurses Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of the Georgia Nurses Association.

Programs by the foundation include the Nurse License Plate Program, the Georgia Nursing Hall of Fame, the Honor a Nurse Program, the GNF Scholarship Program and the GNA Peer Assistance Program.