Donate blood to American Red Cross in August and get a $20 gift card

Nationwide blood shortage worsens as record-breaking heat disrupts drives, dropping inventory by more than 25%

The American Red Cross has declared an emergency blood shortage as its national inventory dropped by more than 25% in July, putting patient care at risk.

The drop, according to a news release, is because of record-breaking heat waves disrupting blood drives across the nation, compounding typical summer challenges like vacations and outdoor activities. Experts warn climate change could further strain blood collection efforts.

“For trauma patients, each minute of delay can increase the chance of death by 5%,” said Dr. Baia Lasky, division chief medical officer for the Red Cross. “More than a quarter of all blood products each year are used in critical care and emergency room situations — those transfusions are only available because of the generosity of blood and platelet donors.”

The shortage particularly affects O blood types, crucial for trauma cases and patients with rare blood types. Hospitals are facing reduced distributions, potentially affecting critical care scenarios.

Mark Munson, a motorcycle accident survivor, knows firsthand the importance of blood donations. After suffering severe internal bleeding from a head-on collision, he received seven units of blood products. “Before my accident, the notion of blood donation was an abstract concept. It’s not abstract anymore. Now, it’s absolute,” Munson shared in the news release, crediting donors for saving his life.

In response to this crisis, the Red Cross is offering a $20 Amazon gift card to incentivize eligible donors, particularly those with type O blood, for the month of August.

The Red Cross urges people to schedule donations through their blood donor app, website or by calling 1-800-733-2767. Every donation has the potential to save a life in someone’s time of need.

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