A nurse delivered her as a baby. A lifetime later, she’s married to her son

25 years ago, nurse Mary Ann West assisted in the delivery of a baby, welcoming baby Kelsey Poll into the world. What West couldn’t have imagined then is that she was helping deliver her future daughter-in-law. West’s son, Tyler, began dating Poll in 2021 before getting engaged in Feb. 2023.

“It’s like I had both of my moms in the room with me when I was born,” Poll told Fox13 Now. “That’s something that’s really touching.”

Poll and Tyler made the discovery that West delivered the 6 pound, 6 ounce baby Poll while browsing through family photos.

“We were looking through the baby book, I believe it was to find pictures for our wedding video,” Poll said. “We had an inkling that she had brought my mom something, maybe, because we knew she had worked at Lakeview around that time, but we didn’t know if we would ever find out to what extent that was.”

Tyler spotted it first.

“I turned around and was like, ‘That’s definitely my mom,’” he told Fox13 Now. “That was a really cool, big shock to us when we found that out.”

Tyler and Poll married on May 25.

“It was fun making that connection that 22 years later these two found each other, fell in love, and the rest is history,” West told Fox13 Now.

As far as the families see it, it’s simply a sign that the couple was meant to be.

“There are some things that are too... are just too strange and strong to be a coincidence and that’s exactly how I feel here,” Poll’s mother, Stacy, told Fox13 Now.

Through West’s 25-year career at MountainStar Healthcare in Utah, her June 2001 delivery of West will remain an iconic moment for her family in the years to come.