When I put out the word to our journalists last March that The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newsroom was going to work remotely, we knew it would be hard.

But I’ve never been prouder to lead this newsroom than over the past year. Journalism is fundamentally a human endeavor provided by people with a calling. They are driven to follow the facts no matter where they lead, even when circumstances force them to improvise.

Our journalists inspired me as they covered significant local, state and national news with calm focus, every day. They uncovered public records for our investigations. They kept our community informed on historic public health and election details. On the front lines, they chose to press on.

I have the honor of leading them, but they work for you. They serve the public and protect your right to know what’s really going on.

The role and value of media face constant scrutiny, so I want you to know who makes the journalism at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Get to know our journalists and why real journalism is their calling.


Kevin G. Riley, Editor

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