2024 Voter Guide – Runoff Election
The 2024 AJC Voter Guide offers comprehensive information to help Georgia voters make informed decisions about the runoff election on Tue., Dec. 3. Georgia law requires a runoff election when no candidate receives the majority of the vote in a general election.
The guide includes detailed profiles of the candidates running for local office, covering their background, policy positions and key endorsements, as well as summaries of major policy issues and a breakdown of voting methods. It aims to empower citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
Scroll down and enter your address to find out whether a runoff election is scheduled in your district. If there is, you’ll see the candidates on your ballot and their answers to our questionnaire.
The runoff election is on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
The last day to request absentee ballots from your county registrar is Friday, Nov. 22. Completed and signed absentee ballots must be received by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
Early voting begins on Friday, Nov. 22 in Henry County. In DeKalb and Fulton counties, early voting starts on Saturday, Nov. 23. Voting begins on Monday, Nov. 25 for a Mulberry City Council seat. Early voting ends on Wednesday, Nov. 27.
You do not have to vote at an assigned polling location during early voting. You may vote at any early voting location within your county.
On Election Day, polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Registered voters may vote in person at their designated polling precinct.
Anyone who is registered to vote in Georgia can vote in federal, state, and local runoff elections.
Under Georgia law, any eligible Georgia voter may cast a ballot in the runoff election, regardless of their previous voting history. They do not need to have voted in the primary or general election to cast a ballot. They can vote in person early, on Election Day or absentee by mail.
Runoff elections are held when no candidate wins the required majority of votes. The top two vote-getters will face each other in a runoff election to be held four weeks after the general election.
Runoffs are being held in 13 of the state’s 159 counties.
Sixteen seats are up for grabs across Georgia in the Dec. 3 runoffs, including metro Atlanta races for Atlanta City Council, DeKalb County Commission, Henry County Commission and Mulberry City Council.
There are no runoff elections for Congressional or Georgia General Assembly races.
Results from in-person early votes and absentee ballots must be reported within one hour after polls close. State law requires all Election Day ballots to be counted through the night until completion. It will take up to three more days to count absentee ballots returned on Election Day and ballots returned by military and overseas voters, which must be returned by Fri., Dec. 6.
Runoffs generally draw low turnout, meaning each voter could have a greater impact on the outcome than in a larger general election.
On Election Day, voters might show up at the wrong voting location, either because they thought they could cast a ballot at an early voting site or their neighborhood precinct has changed. Voters can check their voting locations in advance through the state’s My Voter page.
Voters should also remember to bring their photo ID when they show up to vote. Georgia doesn’t allow voter registration on Election Day.
A Georgia law passed in 2021 bans giving out food or drinks to voters while they're waiting in line at polling places. However, election workers can set up unattended self-service water receptacles for waiting voters. Voters can also bring their own snacks or drinks. Distributing food or drinks is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
It's a felony in Georgia for anyone to threaten voters with force or violence. Voter intimidation laws cover actions that encourage or discourage someone from voting, or that make threats about which candidates they choose. Voter intimidation can be reported to election workers, local police departments, sheriff’s offices or the secretary of state’s office at 877-725-9797. Voters can also call or text Election Protection, a nonpartisan organization that includes several organizations, at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).