Georgia Rep. Butch Parrish to lead powerful House Rules Committee

Parrish picked for leadership role after Richard Smith died
State Rep. Butch Parrish, center, was named the new chairman of the House Rules Committee. The Republican from Swainsboro is shown here with Terry England, right, who was chairman of the Georgia House Appropriations Committee at the time and now works in the office of House Speaker Jon Burns. (PHOTO by BOB ANDRES / BANDRES@AJC.COM)

State Rep. Butch Parrish, center, was named the new chairman of the House Rules Committee. The Republican from Swainsboro is shown here with Terry England, right, who was chairman of the Georgia House Appropriations Committee at the time and now works in the office of House Speaker Jon Burns. (PHOTO by BOB ANDRES / BANDRES@AJC.COM)

The new leader of the influential Georgia committee that decides whether bills get votes in the House is state Rep. Butch Parrish, a Republican from Swainsboro who has been a state representative for nearly 40 years.

House Speaker Jon Burns appointed Parrish to the role Thursday. He’ll take over for Rules Chairman Richard Smith, who died last month.

“Throughout my time in the House, I have strived to bring an open mind, focus on the facts and deliver results for my constituents and the people of Georgia — and that’s what I intend to continue to do as Rules chairman,” Parrish said.

Parrish, who was first elected to the House in 1984, has previously served as chairman of the Special Committee on Healthcare and an Appropriations subcommittee on health.

Burns chose Parrish over state Rep. Mandi Ballinger, the vice chairwoman of the Rules Committee who had been in charge since Smith’s death at age 78.

“Chairman Parrish has done an exceptional job representing his district, fighting for our rural communities, and championing policies that lift up every Georgia family — including most recently with his work to improve health care across our state,” said Burns, a Republican from Newington. “He will also carry on the indelible legacy of Chairman Richard Smith.”