Credit: contributed
Georgia’s schools are ‘roughly average.’ There’s a way we can do better
The bad news is that this is a long-term situation. The good news is that there are proven methods for turning the situation around and improving Georgia’s schools.
Credit: Courtesy of Cassie Rapko
TORPY: Hate leads the shouting hour outside progressive churches
It was 10 minutes before Sunday’s service at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Atlanta’s Grant Park when the amplified hell-and-brimstone squad arrived at its steps.
TORPY: Progress on Atlanta’s Tree Ordinance is like a slow growing oak
When Atlanta discussed changing its tree ordinance, columnist Bill Torpy wrote it would be finished "not long before the leaves change color.” That was in 2019.
Credit: Atlanta Beltline Inc.
TORPY: Applaud Dickens’ side step on $250M Beltline bar-hopping ride
The proposed 2-mile streetcar extension that I’ve called a boondoggle in the making and an expensive bar-hopping party vehicle gets shelved.