Credit: Jenni Girtman
2025 goal for parents: Teaching kids kindness instead of being math-letes
Many parents are aware of the eroding mental health of our youth but still focus on achievement, test fear their kids fall behind.
Credit: TNS
TORPY: Diversity in Georgia Legislature not all it’s cracked up to be
In the Legislature, there is not true diversity. It’s Us. And it’s Them. And it falls along racial lines.
TORPY: Gambling’s back. Sports betting would be a real loser
Gambling has returned for consideration to the Golden Dome for the seventh straight year.
Credit: Bill Torpy
TORPY: MARTA bans ads for lawyers and massage parlors. What’s the rub?
Starting Jan. 1, MARTA stopped taking advertisements from attorneys like John Foy, whose ads grace probably 80% of all MARTA’s 500-plus buses.
Georgia superintendent: To sustain progress in education, invest in educators
State School Superintendent Richard Woods urges the 2025 Georgia General Assembly to continue treating teachers as professionals and improving their work environment.