If Geoff Duncan goes, so should I
Regarding the Jan. 7 AJC article “Georgia GOP wants to ‘expel’ Geoff Duncan from the party”:
I am a 78-year-old Republican voter. I have been a Republican longer than President-elect Donald Trump ever thought about being one and possibly longer than former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan has been alive. If Duncan is going to be expelled from the Republican Party, then I guess it might as well do me, too.
Duncan says he is not sure he wants to be called a Republican member anymore. Well, I don’t either. The Republican Party that I knew is no longer in existence. What the party used to believe in and promote is no longer what the Republican Party is representing today. This new party is showing these new ideals at the national level and the state level, too. Why are vulgarity, insensitivity and crassness the standard behavior for a Republican Party member? If they really are, then count me out.
Good riddance to a Republican turncoat
It wasn’t necessary for former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan to support Vice President Kamala Harris for president just because he didn’t support former President and now President-elect Donald Trump. The turncoat has been an embarrassment to the GOP. A number of voters who weren’t partial to Trump still voted for him to help avoid the catastrophe of placing someone entirely unqualified into a position of power, which could only bring disaster to our country while maintaining an open border and increases in taxes and welfare. And if Islamic terrorists had no fear of President Joe Biden, they’d surely have no fear of Harris.
If the GOP has no use or respect for Duncan, it’s possible his brand of trivial whimsy might not appeal to the AJC opinion pages any longer. We’ll see.
We need more like Geoff Duncan
I thank former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan for having more courage and integrity than nearly all of his GOP colleagues, both in Georgia and in Washington, D.C. He stood up to the bully. He has shown moral character and an understanding of what being a public servant is all about, and he showed respect to his office and the Constitution. Had there been more like him, former Rep. Liz Cheney and others, we would not be bracing for a tumultuous, at best, four years. Add to that the years after to correct the damage No. 47 is sure to inflict.
Anyone who is rolling his or her eyes at this, should ask if it’s necessary to even consider potential military intervention for the Panama Canal or to obtain Canada (among other things). This is not the stuff of jokes or showmanship. He will be the leader of the free world! We need more Geoff Duncans and others to stand up and be brave so the younger citizens don’t have to continue to clean up our generations’ disgraceful mess.
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