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Vote for our children’s future

The Trump Republican Party claims to be the party that values children. Its behavior and policies say otherwise.

Children at Trump rallies get to experience that it is OK to lie, name-call, bully, promote violence and demean people. For a party that is so concerned about what children are exposed to in school, it has no qualms about former President Donald Trump saying nothing good about our country and referring to it as the third world being run by stupid people.

Trump’s plan to “drill, baby, drill” and calling climate change a hoax leaves us subject to an environmental disaster. We will be unprepared for the future and too late to address it. The easing of environmental, food and gun regulations and skepticism of vaccines jeopardize the health and security of our children. We can plan on more infringements on our beloved national treasures, such as the Okefenokee.

We owe it to our children to not let Trump destroy their future.


Hard to get straight answer from Harris

“Emhoff praises wife for standing ground vs. Fox” (AJC, Oct. 19) echoed second gentleman Doug Emhoff’s glowing yet biased appraisal of the Fox News interview of his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris. Those who saw the interview with Fox’s Bret Baier and aren’t Harris myrmidons might have a different take.

Emhoff emphasized Harris’ combativeness and said that “she will not take any nonsense.” Harris was busy spouting nonsense, being unresponsive to questions, avoiding responsibility, showing anger and lambasting former President Donald Trump. She revealed a key difference between herself and Trump: Trump provides substance in answering questions and throws in some opponent lambasting. With Harris, the substance is missing.

As to Baier “repeatedly talking over Harris when she did not offer direct answers immediately to his questions”: He did what any professional journalist should do: penetrate Harris’s canned nonanswers, truncate her filibustering and prevent her attempt to run out the interview clock unrevealed.

But Harris did show she’s tough. Tough to get a straight answer out of.