Remembering the Carter years with fondness
In remembering all of the incredible things Jimmy Carter achieved, one of my favorite memories during the Carter administration came not from Jimmy Carter, but from Amy Carter.
When a White House reporter asked what she thought would be her father’s biggest issue while in office, a very unpretentious, 9-year-old Amy stated very clearly: nuclear proliferation.
The reporter was so shocked by her response it took him a few seconds to regain his thoughts.
Asked what she wanted for Christmas, Amy said a chainsaw! How adorable could one kid get?
My heart and prayers go out to all of the Carter family.
Insurance companies not to blame for CEO’s murder
I find it absolutely appalling that seven to 10 adults say that denials for health care coverage by insurance companies, or the profits made by health insurance companies, also bear at least a “moderate amount of responsibility” for the United Healthcare CEO’s murder.
The only one responsible for the murder is the shooter. The suspect allegedly stalked Thompson and carefully planned the assassination despite having no connection or contact with him whatsoever. How is it possible that so many people want to spread the blame for the killing?
Trump embodies greed, power of capitalism
Republicans rail against socialism when it’s their beloved free market capitalism, with its unpredictable boom or bust cycles, that destabilizes the economy and disturbs our quality of life. Capitalism validates greed and concerns itself only with profit.
Trump and his Republicans are simply tools of the powerful corporations and billionaires who control our country by distracting voters with radical positions on culture war issues like racism, sexism, religion, LGBTQ rights, federal oversight regulations, free elections, and, ultimately, democracy itself. At the same time, they enrich themselves with the tax cuts provided by their Republican lackeys.
Trump is more than willing to give big donors what they want. He is a creature spawned by capitalism, totally amoral and motivated only by profit and the power it brings with it.
Will Trump keep his promise on deportations?
President-elect Trump promised to begin deportations on Day One. Mayors of sanctuary cities say they will not help in this effort. Will it be a standoff or a battle?
Mr. Trump can start deportations in the sanctuary cities. It will be slow going but show that he is serious. Or, he can bypass the sanctuary cities and start deportation in the places that elected him to “rid” the country of illegal immigrants.
The human toll is deplorable; the economic consequences, disaster. But the country has spoken, and it’s time to see if Mr. Trump meant what he said.
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