Democrats sow seeds of their own destruction
Many voters crossed the political line to vote for Donald Trump, and they expect the president-elect to keep his promises. These crossover voters also want to give Trump every opportunity to do so. These voters cannot help but notice that the Democratic Party, even before Trump’s inauguration, has commenced a vicious campaign of destruction and obstruction and is bent on denying Trump the opportunity to keep his promises to the people.
These crossover voters voted for Trump because of his promises, and I suspect these voters are watching very closely the efforts by the Democratic Party to thwart the promises made to them by Trump. It is unfortunate that the Democratic Party values its raw power over what the American people want.
If Trump is unsuccessful because of obstructionism, perhaps Democrats are sowing the seeds of their destruction in the 2026 midterm election and the presidential election in 2028.
Republicans sink to new low
It’s clear that many voted for President-elect Donald Trump because of issues related to the economy and immigration. But how many voted for him in order to enforce legal woes on those who worked in the Biden administration? We do not know. But, it seems from GOP speeches in the past few weeks that punishing Democrats in the Biden administration is the chief issue voters had. I doubt this.
Persecuting Democrats can only be considered vicious and un-American. It is distressing and awful to contemplate how low Republicans have fallen.
Don’t like the rules? Change them.
Todd Copilevitz wrote in his Nov. 24 Opinion column about his “leaving Trump’s (America)” that “When the rules are rigged, the boldest move is to stop playing.”
I disagree.
The boldest move is to unrig the rules.
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