Over-development hurts Beltline, surrounding neighborhoods
The original vision of the Beltline, conceived as a noble idea to increase walkable and bikeable space, is at risk of being destroyed from over-development.
Portman Holdings proposes to redevelop Amsterdam Walk — a small shopping area adjacent to the Beltline in Morningside/Lenox Park and Virginia-Highland — a 17-story apartment tower, 900 rental units and 1,400 parking spaces. This is totally incompatible with the surrounding neighborhoods.
The project will result in an additional 4,000 car trips every day, 365 days a year on Monroe Drive and nearby streets. This is a massive 22% increase over existing traffic, from today’s 18,100 to 22,100 car trips per day! This will definitely not make our neighborhoods safer or more bike- or pedestrian-friendly.
Neighborhood folks support redevelopment of Amsterdam Walk that is right-sized and will improve the quality of life in our community, not diminish it. The Portman plan is rampant over-development and must be scaled back. We welcome continued dialogue to ensure a responsible design that fits our neighborhoods.
Endowing a scholarship helps others reach American dream
Monday’s AJC article on the rising costs of higher education struck a chord with me (“Some colleges soon will charge $100,000 (or more) per year. How did this happen?”).
Just this month I endowed a scholarship in memory of my late wife at her alma mater. I don’t consider myself rich; only fortunate to have graduated from a first-rate university when it was still affordable. Thanks to my degree, I was able to retire comfortably.
That American Dream is becoming unreachable for a middle-class family. Those of us who have achieved that dream can leave a legacy for future generations. It is possible to endow a scholarship in perpetuity to a state university for a tax-deductible $25,000 to $50,000. At UGA, $50,000 is matched by the UGA Foundation.
Those complaining about forgiving student loan debt should consider putting their generosity where their mouth is. Endow a scholarship in the name of a loved one or someone who had a major impact on your life.
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