Readers write

FEBRUARY 28, 2013-ATLANTA: Public art Provocateur, Randy Osborne works on his "Letter A Day" project in his Inman Park apartment on Thurs. 28th, 2013. PHIL SKINNER / PSKINNER@AJC.COM

editor's note: CQ.



FEBRUARY 28, 2013-ATLANTA: Public art Provocateur, Randy Osborne works on his "Letter A Day" project in his Inman Park apartment on Thurs. 28th, 2013. PHIL SKINNER / PSKINNER@AJC.COM editor's note: CQ.

Harris’ policy agenda lacks fiscal responsibility

I was dismayed to read of Vice President Kamala Harris’s new populist policy agenda (“Harris unveils populist policy agenda ahead of speech in N.C.” AJC, Aug. 17).

The elimination of medical debt for millions of Americans? A $25,000 subsidy for first-time homebuyers? The government is already trillions of dollars in debt. Where is the money for these proposals coming from? What makes it acceptable for the government to spend money it does not have when most of its citizens must live within a budget and do not buy things they cannot afford?

It is long past time for the government to start acting with some sense of fiscal responsibility.


Don’t blame Biden/Harris for inflation

Recent polls indicate that Americans are buying into the GOP falsehoods that the Biden/Harris administration caused inflation. Inflation was caused by the major disruption of the supply chain during the coronavirus pandemic and by the use of tariffs to start a trade war with China.

The global supply chain went primarily through China and Asia as consumers demanded lower prices. With a China trade war, U.S. corporations are at risk and have to make changes to their supply chain, which takes time and adds costs. In addition, wood products from Canada were unavailable during the pandemic, which caused housing to fall behind by two years, again creating inflation.

Time and actions by the Federal Reserve have conquered inflation but at a new equilibrium. The stock market is healthy, unemployment levels are low, travel has rebounded and dining out has rebounded — all signs that the economy has recovered. The doom and gloom is created by right-wing media prominently featuring negative stories and downplaying the truths, including the unprecedented deficits of $10 trillion created by Trump tax cuts and increased spending.