Few acts of service are as profound and selfless as opening one’s home to a child in need. Foster parents provide stability, love and care to children who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in uncertain circumstances. Yet, despite the critical role these families play, Georgia faces a growing shortage of foster homes. As of last week, there were 2,309 foster homes across our state — a number that might sound substantial but falls short of meeting the needs of our foster children. If we want to truly support these families and ensure that every child has the best chance to thrive, we must take action.
One of the best ways we can support Georgia’s foster families is by ensuring they have the necessary resources to make the best decisions for their children’s futures. That is why I am a firm advocate for Senate Bill 152, a measure that recently passed the Georgia Senate and is now under consideration in the Georgia House of Representatives. This bill is a top priority for the 2025 legislative session because it represents a real and meaningful commitment to Georgia’s most vulnerable children.
Introduced by Sen. Greg Dolezal, R-Cumming, SB 152 expands eligibility for the Georgia Promise Scholarship to include biological and adoptive children of foster parents. The Georgia Promise Scholarship provides eligible families with $6,500 in state-funded scholarships that can be used toward a nonpublic education of their choice. As of March 1, eligible kindergarten through 12th grade students can apply for this funding to cover private school tuition, tutoring services and other qualified education expenses. Importantly, SB 152 does not alter the existing Georgia Promise Scholarship criteria, funding, or requirements — it simply ensures that more families who have stepped up to care for foster children have access to this critical resource.
As a longtime proponent of school choice and the son of two public educators, I know firsthand that education is not one-size-fits-all. Every child is unique, and what works for one student might not work for another. Georgia’s public schools are invaluable, but there are times when a different educational setting better serves a child’s needs. Foster parents, who have already taken on the enormous responsibility of providing a safe and loving home, should have the ability to make the best possible education choices for their children. Senate Bill 152 gives them that opportunity.
This commitment to school choice is not new. Last year, the Georgia Senate passed Senate Bill 233, the most significant school choice initiative in our state in decades. Nationally, President Donald Trump has championed educational freedom through executive orders aimed at expanding opportunities for families. Now, Georgia has the opportunity to build on this momentum and ensure that foster families are included in the conversation.
Beyond providing foster families with greater flexibility in education, SB 152 has the potential to encourage more families to consider fostering. The reality is that taking in a foster child comes with challenges, and families often need additional support. By offering more educational options, we can ease some of the burdens foster parents face and make it more feasible for them to continue their selfless work.
This is not a partisan issue; it is a moral imperative. Supporting foster families is something we should all agree on, regardless of political affiliation. These families are stepping up to provide children with stability, love and a future filled with opportunity. The least we can do is ensure they have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Now, the responsibility lies with the Georgia House of Representatives. The Senate has taken action, and it is time for the House to do the same. Our foster families cannot afford to wait and our children deserve the best education possible — no matter their circumstances.
If we truly believe in putting children first, then passing Senate Bill 152 should be a priority for every lawmaker in Georgia. Our foster families have answered the call to serve. Now, it’s our turn to do the same.
Credit: Handout
Credit: Handout
Burt Jones, a Republican, is the lieutenant governor of Georgia.
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