World War I ends: See front page from The Atlanta Constitution

The newspaper headlines declaring the armistice were published on Nov. 11, 1918
Front page from The Atlanta Constitution, Nov. 11, 1918

Front page from The Atlanta Constitution, Nov. 11, 1918

Sunday, Nov. 11 marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice agreement that ended World War I.

The headline on the front page of The Atlanta Constitution declared:



In 1918, Nov. 11 was a Monday. Elsewhere the front page, headlines declared, “Allies Hurling Germans Out Of France,” and also “Deposed Kaiser With Eldest Son And Hindenburg Flees To Holland.”

Armistice Day is now celebrated in the United States as Veterans Day, marking the signing of the armistice agreement. According to the  Georgia World War I Centennial Commission, Georgia had 77,000 who served in the war, including 1,937 killed in action and 3,329 wounded.

Here is a look at the Constitution front page on the day the armistice was announced.

From AJC archives.

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