Georgians aren't the worst drivers in the nation, but they're certainly up there.
In a new ranking of the best and worst drivers by state conducted by insurance resource QuoteWizard, Georgia ranked No. 15 in the country.
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To come up with the 50-state ranking, QuoteWizard analysts sampled incident data (more than two million data points) with fatality information from the Federal Highway Administration.
Analysts also looked into speeding tickets, DUIs, citations and fatalities, weighing various incidents for each state with its occurrence percentage.
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The worst drivers in the nation commute in Utah, followed by California and Virginia. Rhode Island, Florida and Mississippi have the best drivers in the country, according to this ranking.
Here's a list of the worst and best drivers in the country, with No 1. being the worst:
1. Utah
2. California
3. Virginia
4. Maine
5. Nebraska
6. South Carolina
7. North Dakota
8. Colorado
9. Washington
10. Arizona
11. Minnesota
12. Missouri
13. Kansas
14. Idaho
15. Georgia
16. Vermont
17. Ohio
18. Delaware
19. New Jersey
20. Oregon
21. Connecticut
22. Maryland
23. Wyoming
24. New Mexico
25. Wisconsin
26. New Hampshire
27. North Carolina
28. Louisiana
29. Iowa
30. Alabama
31. Texas
32. Massachusetts
33. Indiana
34. Pennsylvania
35. Tennessee
36. Alaska
37. Hawaii
38. New York
39. Montana
40. Kentucky
41. Oklahoma
42. West Virginia
43. Illinois
44. South Dakota
45. Arkansas
46. Nevada
47. Michigan
48. Mississippi
49. Florida
50. Rhode Island
Read more about the study and its methodology at
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