The teenage daughter of two northwest Georgia teachers died in an Alabama boating accident Saturday.

Tori Luke, 14, of Rockmart, was killed in what her father described on Facebook as a “freak accident.” Rockmart Middle School and Rockmart High School officials also confirmed the news in social media posts.

Few details have been released, but Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Marine Patrol Sgt. Chad Pate told that the tubing accident happened about 4:45 p.m. on Smith Lake in northeast Alabama.

Tori’s parents, Steve and Robin Luke, are both physical education teachers and coaches in the Polk School District. Steve Luke has coached the Rockmart High School softball team for nearly 20 years, and he teaches physical education and coaches boys basketball at Rockmart Middle School. Robin Luke is a PE teacher at Eastside Elementary School.

I am just at a lost! My soul, my rock, my girl, my sweet Tori. If you didn’t know her- she was always there for everyone, never spoke bad of anyone, wore heart on her sleeve, emotional, loving, and made me better. She hugged me before she left yesterday and I felt it! I felt the lightning hit yesterday in Rockmart, I spilt stain at the same time, and my phone rang- my heart dropped and I was gonna get a 3 hr drive in 1 hr. Half way I pulled over and got the news and a rainbow appeared. I just knew! We all say the same thing and think it can never happen to you, I feel everything crash in one moment. A freak accident! A godly angel she was and now is! As I rummage through her things and see quotes, notes for her biblical studies, messages about being a good friend and the word she has written down the most in her room- ALWAYS! I don’t have a clue- she touched my life like your kid should- it was a miracle for her to be here at 4 lbs and now a she is gone! Thank you for the out pouring and people at my house when I got home. I didn’t want to come home. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through this ever- I love you Tori so dang much!!! I was so proud of you not just sports but the person you became!!! Thank you Everyone!

Posted by Steve Luke on Sunday, July 26, 2020

Tori, described by Rockmart Middle School officials as a standout athlete and student, was a rising ninth grader who was on track to play softball at Rockmart High this school year. She is survived by her parents and two younger siblings.

In a Facebook post that included a video tribute to Tori, Steve Luke thanked the community for their outpouring of support after his daughter’s death. A community vigil was held Sunday evening.

“I love you Tori so dang much,” he wrote in the post. “I was so proud of you.”

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Credit: Atlanta Braves

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Orange Crush event organizer Steven Smalls looks out at Tybee Island's South Beach, site of the 2025 HBCU spring break festival scheduled for April 19 on Georgia's coast. (Justin Taylor/The Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Credit: Justin Taylor for The Atlanta Journal Constitution