The family of a 5-year-old boy who died after an accident at the Sun Dial restaurant four years ago and Marriott, which owns the Westin Peachtree Plaza where the restaurant is located, have released a joint statement:
“On April 14, 2017, Charlie Holt suffered a serious injury at the Sun Dial Restaurant, a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. There have been conflicting media reports about this tragedy. Some initial reports suggested that the child’s parents were responsible because Charlie had wandered away from his family and that his parents were not being vigilant in watching their son. After a full investigation, all sides can confidently say that these initial reports were incorrect.
“Both sides agree that Charlie did not wander off. Charlie and his family were leaving the restaurant after finishing their meal and the parents were close to Charlie as they were leaving. When the accident occurred, Charlie’s parents, the Sun Dial employees and bystanders did everything that they could to try to save Charlie. Unfortunately, Charlie suffered a serious brain injury and later died as a result of those injuries. The parties have agreed to resolve this matter and avoid further litigation. The terms of the settlement are strictly confidential. This statement has been approved by both the Holt Family and Marriott International, Inc.”
The family was visiting Atlanta at the time of the boy’s death. At that time, the restaurant featured a rotating floor offering panoramic views of the city. The accident prompted the Sun Dial to temporarily close and the floor no longer moves.
Charlie’s parents also released a separate statement:
“Our family will never recover from the loss of Charlie. In fact, we have struggled for many months with whether or not we should release this joint statement. Being under the microscope of the world has been horrific and the thought of conjuring it up again was like reopening a wound that will never fully heal.
“However, we are reminded of the goal of this statement, so that Charlie’s siblings know that their brother and their parents did nothing wrong that day. One day, when they Google their brother, which they will, they need to be able to find the truth hidden in the lies and commentary of the press and police officers who never asked nor took our statement. We owe it to Charlie to make sure the world knows the truth. And we owe it to all families, to make sure safety measures have been put into place to prevent this from ever happening again.”
The family has created a foundation to honor Charlie.
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