Calling for an end to corruption at all levels of government, about 50 protesters gathered at the state Capitol on Saturday as part of an international movement.
The Atlanta “March Against Corruption” featured calls for transparency in government, the elimination of money from politics and the return of power to the voters.
“We’re tired of corruption in politics,” Robby Caban of Atlanta, one of the organizers of the Atlanta march, said. “We voted elected officials in to create ways our state would protect people and flourish, not to pursue their personal economic desires.”
The event was one of dozens scheduled for states and countries around the world, according to the group’s website.
The Atlanta march route would take the group past several major corporations the organization believes to be responsible for a variety of ills. Those targeted for protest include Georgia-Pacific, owned by Charles and David Koch, two of the biggest financial backers of conservative political causes.
Rosie Joy of Roswell said corruption infects every level of government.
“I don’t think politicians should be making money, being paid by corporations when we the people have put them in office to represent us,” she said.
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