The night manager of the Taco Bell in Adel, Ga., was shot through the right eye as she carried the night’s proceeds to her car in the restaurant’s parking lot.
There wasn’t much physical evidence in the case. But key witnesses came forward to point the finger at a young man who had just recently arrived in Adel from California. That man, Devonia Inman, was found guilty of first-degree murder.
Twenty years later, however, important aspects of the case have changed. A Georgia State University law professor believes Inman is innocent and is determined to prove he had nothing to do with the murder.
Here’s a quick preview of the coming season, which launches early on Monday. This season’s title, Below the Gnat Line, refers to a region of Georgia south of a certain line where swarming gnats make life miserable for everybody. Adel is in the middle of gnat country.
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