Former President Jimmy Carter is the second-oldest living former American president, serving from 1977-1981. While the 90-year-old Georgia native’s presidency was not without controversy, there were accomplishments with lasting effect. Here are some of the most significant:

U.S. Department of Energy

In 1977, Carter established the department and with it, comprehensive energy planning and policies that helped to mitigate the energy crisis of the 1970s.

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act: Enacted in 1980, the legislation is seen as one of the most important land conservation efforts in the history of the United States, as it nearly doubled the size of the National Park System.

Department of Education

Department of Education: Carter moved the department from under the umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services, giving education the priority that it deserved.

Social Security

Social Security: With the Social Security amendments of 1977, Carter shored up solvency of the system.

Minority appointments

Minority appointments: In 1977, Carter selected Patricia Roberts Harris as secretary of Health and Human Services. She was the first African-American to serve in a White House cabinet post.

SALT II Treaty

SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks)/Treaty: In 1979, Carter negotiated the agreement that limited nuclear strategic systems and stabilized relations with the Soviet Union.

Camp David Accords

Camp David Accords: In 1978, Carter mediated a milestone peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

Summer Olympics in Moscow

Summer Olympics in Moscow: Carter issued a boycott of the 1980 Summer Games when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

International relations

Ambassador: Post-presidency, Carter went on many international relations missions, and consulted presidents on disputes with foreign leaders.

Carter Presidential Center

Carter Presidential Center: In partnership with Emory University, Carter and wife Rosalynn opened the center in 1982 to fight for human rights and conflict resolution.

Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize: Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.”

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity International: Every year the Carters lead a special one-week project for the organization that builds homes and communities for underprivileged people.

Jimmy Carter’s Books

Author: Carter has written 29 books, including, his latest “A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety.”

About the Author

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