Atlanta Forward readers responded to recent columns about the failure of the medical marijuana bill in the Georgia General Assembly. The columns were written by state Rep. Allen Peake, R-Macon, who sponsored the bill, and Shannon Cloud, the mother of a little girl who suffers from a severe form of epilepsy. Here are some select comments:
Linda Walls: Governor Deal needs to do the right thing. … Shame on Sen. Unterman for pulling such a stunt. It really is apples to oranges, but she probably owes someone a favor and made a commitment to a voter. … It's all about her getting re-elected. Do the right thing for these children.
James Bell: For every eight-year-old that can be helped by CDB oil, I can cite 10 adults that can benefit from THC and whole plant therapy. We must open up our hearts and minds to the fact that cannabis is a special plant that can relieve the suffering of millions of people. There is nothing more noble than to seek relief for our fellow citizens.
Ron G: If you read Renee Unterman's bio, she claims to be "giving special attention to the young and vulnerable." When she proclaimed on TV that she was going to hold HB 885 "hostage" because it was politics, she stated that she was going to hold "the young and vulnerable" hostage. Total hypocrisy. Hoping and praying that Governor Deal can do something to right this wrong.
Greg: I believe it is extremely ironic that under Renee Unterman's bio it states her occupation as an "insurance executive." I believe insurance companies lobbied her to prevent the bill from passing, but hey, that's just my theory.
Kim: My 15-year-old son has been having seizures since he was 8 months old. We have tried numerous medications, VNS implant, Ketogenic diet. We have only found a decrease in seizures in some meds, but the side effects are terrible. HB 885 was our hope for a better life for my son. It wasn't the perfect bill, but it was a start. I know this is going to happen, and it's going to have a great impact on so many Georgians who suffer from debilitating seizures. It's not over. Let's hope Governor Deal can find a solution!
Stephanie: My 13-year-old daughter has had uncontrolled seizures since she was 10 months old. While HB 885 wasn't perfect, it provided several things: Hope for families that there is something out there that could possibly give our loved ones needed relief from daily seizures, and protection from prosecution and DFCS. It was a first step in the right direction to giving all Georgians access to medical cannabis. I am very disappointed some politicians cared more about their personal agendas than the lives of children..
Aaron Klepinger: Thanks, Governor Deal, for coming out in support of this issue. It's a massive embarrassment that we have failed our children in 2014, but we'll make sure in 2015 we get it right. If not, you may see hundreds or thousands of families moving next door to Alabama. I'm hopeful Georgia will help its children next year. Thanks again to Allen Peake and all the legislators that supported the HB 885 effort!
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