Readers Write 12/16


Richardson’s practices run deep in Paulding

My heart goes out to Glenn Richardson’s wife, children and any other victims he leaves in his wake. As a member of a pioneer family of Paulding County who were casualties of Glenn Richardson’s unethical practices, I wonder what took the state of Georgia so long to “get it.”

Vicki Graves Davis, Dallas


Three moves mandatory to justify Obama’s ‘surge’

The only way that Obama’s “surge” into Afghanistan can be justified and sustained is if he does three things: require that NATO send in a commensurate number of troops, based on the population of the respective countries; immediately implement a universal military draft so that the upper classes “have some skin in the game”; and raise taxes to pay for the deployment. It is also grossly unfair to hand the bill for these wars to our children and grandchildren.

Harris Green, Big Canoe


Tolling our way to more highway congestion?

The Department of Transportation has found a way to profit from congestion.

The plan is to charge tolls according to the amount of congestion on the expressway. The more congestion, the higher the toll to travel in the express lane.

They have removed the incentive to improve traffic flow, by charging more according to the amount of congestion building up.

By doing nothing, income goes up. Good traffic flow means low income.

How does this help the vast majority of drivers who are not wealthy?



Experience? Be honest, Palin beats Obama there

I have to laugh at those who would criticize Sarah Palin over her lack of experience. We elected a community organizer who later became a senator. Along the way, Barack Obama ran no small businesses. He doesn’t understand the perspective of the drivers of the engine that employs 80 percent of our economy.

Sarah Palin, on the other hand, ran a corporation with thousands of employees and a budget of millions of dollars annually. What corporation is this? Alaska! She ran it successfully and understood, unlike the yahoos in Washington, the concept of a budget. My vote is for Sarah Palin. May she always be a rogue.

Brian T. Wilson, Atlanta


Palin’s manipulation creates ‘current news’

The writer of “Unfair news coverage shown with Kerry story” (“Readers write,” Opinion, Dec. 7) doesn’t understand what is news. He says if it had been Sarah Palin’s, instead of John Kerry’s daughter charged with DUI, the AJC would have made it front-page news. A newspaper prints news. Sarah Palin has manipulated the media she claims to hate so well that she is very “current news.” Kerry is passé. “Current” makes the front page — passé makes the history books.

Ben Garrett, Stone Mountain