With diplomacy failing to resolve the crisis in Crimea, a group of Ukraine women have come up with a different approach.

They're calling for a sex embargo. Their slogan? "Don't give it to a Russian." And like any grassroots sex boycott, they're offering a line of merchandise to help spread the word. (Via Facebook /Не дай русскому)

One of the organizers explained to Foreign Policy, "We believe that in the context of military occupation of the territory it is silly to continue to assert that all men are brothers."

They say they're hopeful their campaign can draw attention to Russia's actions in Crimea, amid heavy media censorship. (Via YouTube / EuromaidenPR)

Now, this isn't the first such sex strike. Women in Liberia, Japan and Cambodia have all done the same in recent years to make their own political statements. (Via Daily StarCNNBBC)

It wasn’t long before this latest campaign went viral, but it’s not without its detractors, particularly in Russia.

As Global Voices points out, bloggers have taken to calling the women "prostitutes."

Al Jazeera collected and translated some of the responses. One user called the campaign "vulgar and primitive." Another wrote "when and why suddenly did all Russians become enemies to you?"

​A writer at PolicyMic notes the strike, so far, has its limits. "A campaign like this is only successful if a significant portion of the female population participates, and if women on both sides of a conflict band together to make a statement to men."

All proceeds from T-shirt sales will reportedly go to the cash-strapped Ukrainian army. Things have gotten so bad, The Wall Street Journal reports the military has set up a hot line asking for 50-cent donations.

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