Teen who lost leg in shark attack recruited by Robert Downey Jr. for environmental cause

Paige Winter is still healing after a shark attack at Fort Macon State Park in Carteret County, North Carolina.

The 17-year-old lost her left leg and two fingers in the June 2 attack. She told ABC News, "I was aware from the beginning, nothing's gonna be the same ever again. Like, I'm still Paigey. Just a little different."

But she has a powerful name pulling for her recovery -- “Iron Man” actor Robert Downey Jr.

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Before giving an update on their patient during a press conference, Paige’s doctors asked Downey to follow her on Instagram.

"She's a big fan, perhaps his biggest fan," Dr. Richard Zeri said, according to WTVD.

Word apparently got back to the Oscar winner. Tuesday, he posted a video asking Paige to be the North Carolina ambassador for his Footprint Coalition. He also said he would follow her on Instagram.

She responded to his post, saying, “I think I’m fit for the job!”

Earlier this month, Downey blurred the lines between himself and his on-screen persona, Tony Stark, when he spoke at Amazon's Re: Mars conference in Las Vegas. That's where he announced the Footprint Coalition, which will use technology to help sustain the environment. He said during the event that it will be fully launched by next April, Variety reported.