Renovations are continuing on the iconic Oklahoma home from the movie "The Outsiders."

The project began last spring in north Tulsa, and it has continued ever since.

Rapper Danny Boy O'Connor's passion project began in April. The House of Pain member isn't an Oklahoma native, but he is a huge fan of "The Outsiders."

On a visit to Tulsa in 2009, he felt moved to do something about the house.

"I saw the house, and I thought, 'What a beautiful house!' and then I fell in love with Tulsa, and I was like, 'What a beautiful town!'" O'Connor said.

He bought the house in 2015. O'Connor said his initial goal was to keep the home from falling into disrepair, but he has since shifted into turning it into a museum.

He said that donations and purchases will leave the home full of memorabilia.

"I had a nice little collection of 'Outsiders' memorabilia," O'Connor said. "Now, I have a great collection. I will dare to say that nobody in the world has a bigger 'Outsiders' collection than I do now, which is going to be Tulsa's 'Outsiders' collection."

Renovators are working to make sure the house looks as it did in the movie. For example, fence damage found in the 1983 film, will stay that way.

"Even though it's deformed and cut up, and trees are going through it, it's one of the most beautiful things about the house," O'Connor said. "It's that it's the original from the film."

Several stars from the movie appeared at a fundraiser in August. Another event is set for May 13 at Cain's Ballroom.

"We're bringing some of the stars from the movie back," O'Connor confirmed.

Almost a year into the project, O'Connor still says it caught him by surprise.

"Never in a million years would I have thought I'd end up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, working on the 'Outsiders' house, yet it's the best thing that's ever happened.

Donate to the 'Outsiders' house project here.

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