Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was disqualified from office Friday by the country's Supreme Court after a corruption probe into his family wealth, CNN reported. A spokesman said Sharif resigned despite having reservations about the court order.

The court said that Sharif was dishonest to the Pakistani parliament and judicial system, a panel of five judges ruled unanimously Friday.

“He is no more eligible to be an honest member of the parliament, and he ceases to be holding the office of prime minister,”Judge Ejaz Afzal Khan said in court.

The panel had been investigating Sharif's alleged links to offshore accounts and overseas properties owned by three of his children, CNN reported.

The assets, which were not declared on the family's wealth statement, were revealed in the Panama Papers leak in April 2016.

Sharif, 67, has denied any wrongdoing and has dismissed the investigation into him as biased and inaccurate. Reuters reported.