Man who saved toddler from Paris ledge starts job with fire department

The man who risked his life to save a young boy who was dangling from a balcony has started his new career with the Paris Fire Brigade.

Mamoudou Gassama, a migrant from Mali, started his job on Sunday as one of 24 recruits, CNN reported.

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Video of Gassama, who was nicknamed "Spider-Man" after the incident, went viral earlier this year when he scaled the outside of an apartment building to save the 4-year-old boy who had found himself hanging from a balcony railing, CNN reported.

The boy had been left home alone when his father went out for errands, CNN reported. The father said he was out longer than planned because he started playing Pokémon Go, The Telegraph reported.

>>Read: 'Spider-Man' hero rescues baby dangling from Paris balcony

The boy's father was charged with abandoning his parental responsibilities. He will appear in court later this year, The Telegraph reported. He faces two years in prison and a 30,000-euro fine, BFM reported in May.

Gassama was given a medal and offered French citizenship for his bravery by French President Emmanuel Macron.