A Florida man may be in trouble with a bunch of parents after telling their children there is no Santa Claus.
The man, who was not named, was at Cape Coral's Festival of Lights Saturday holding a large sign, yelling at families that parents are lying to their children when they tell them about Santa, WBBH reported.
He also said Santa isn’t real.
Some told WBBH they were heartbroken because of the man's actions.
Others said their children were paying attention to the light display and didn’t notice the man.
Concerned parents contacted police, who said they could do nothing because the man was protected under his First Amendment right to free speech, WBBH reported.
Police said they could have intervened if he had used a megaphone or created a riot, but he did not.
Credit: Pavel Ilyukhin/Shutterstock
Credit: Pavel Ilyukhin/Shutterstock
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