Erin Brockovich wants former city's public works director jailed over town's brown water

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich (March 7, 2007 file photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

Credit: Lisa Maree Williams

Credit: Lisa Maree Williams

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich (March 7, 2007 file photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

Famed environmental activist Erin Brockovich is calling for the former director of the Scituate. Massachusetts, Department of Public Works (DPW) to be locked up.

Brockovich posted a link on Facebook Tuesday night to a Scituate Community Television video from July 29, 2013, in which former Scituate DPW Director Al Bangert discussed the town's brown water issue.

“Quite frankly it’s embarrassing to all of us when you have guests visiting your house, as I have recently, and the water turns brown,” Bangert said in the video. “It’s just embarrassing.”

Brockovich fired back, writing, “You shouldn’t be embarrassed … you should be locked up.”

She also included a series of photos from a Scituate resident. One photo shows dark brown water in a bathtub on July 6. On July 21, after a filter was installed, the water was clear. But two weeks later, on Monday, the water had a hint of discoloration. Photos taken Monday show the filter that was installed on July 21 caked in dirt.

A representative told WFXT that the town's water is in compliance with all standards.

WFXT also reached out to Bangert and Brockovich. Brockovich wasn't available for an interview Thursday.