Dog ‘arrested’ after running off to chase deer

You never know what will happen on a walk in the woods.

Reid Thompson and his girlfriend were on a hiking trail in Kenora, Ontario, over the weekend when they let Finn off his leash, Fox News reported. Normally, Finn stays close by, but Finn spotted a deer and took off after it, Inside Edition reported.

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Eventually the pup was spotted by Ontario police, Fox News reported, who put him in the back of a cruiser like the alleged criminal he is. It looked as if he was under arrest and behind bars, contemplating his "crime."

Thompson told Fox News, "I was informed that Finn had been causing some chaos as he chased a deer along the road, through the hospital grounds and back onto the road. They tangled for a bit, up and over a guardrail and down onto the ice ... eventually the deer got away and Finn gave up the chase."

Emme Thompson saw Finn and had to take a photo, which quickly went viral.

But apparently Finn isn’t the only dog which found itself in the back seat of a police car.

Other animal owners posted photos of their pups who have been picked up by officers.

Emme Thompson posted later, saying that police left Finn off with a warning.

Her father said he got a warning from police, too. The elder Thompson told Fox News that he got "a stern lecture about keeping the dog leashed" and that he could have a follow-up call from the city's animal control officers.