DC attorney general may charge Trump for allegedly inciting Capitol riots

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine is reportedly considering charges against President Donald Trump and others for allegedly inciting violence in their speeches before the Capitol riots last week.

The rally drew tens of thousands in support of the president to the nation’s Capitol on the same day Congress was ratifying President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. Afterward, hundreds of Trump-supporting protesters stormed the Capitol, a riot that resulted in five deaths and property damage.

Later that day, Trump urged his supporters to leave the Capitol and “go in peace.” Afterward, the president condemned the violence and finally acknowledged a “peaceful transfer of power” between his outgoing administration and Biden’s incoming team.

President Donald Trump on Capitol riots, incoming administration

Trump has come under bipartisan fire for his role before, during and after the riots. Every leading national Democrat and some Republican leaders have called for Trump to resign before his term officially ends Jan. 20, and Democrats have already drafted an impeachment article against the president.

On Monday, House Democrats introduced a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump.

Republicans objected to the resolution and blocked any immediate consideration. The House will reconvene Tuesday at 9 a.m., and a full roll-call vote will be held on the resolution, which is expected to pass in the Democrat-controlled House.

After that, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Pence will have 24 hours to respond before the House would proceed to impeachment. A vote could come Wednesday, but Pence has already said he would not attempt to remove Trump.

No articles of impeachment were introduced Monday during the House session, which barely lasted 10 minutes.

Pelosi is recalling lawmakers to Washington for votes.