Woodstock streets will close the early evening of Saturday, Dec. 1, for the annual Christmas Jubilee Parade of Lights.
Streets close at 5:15 p.m. for the parade, which steps off at 5:30 p.m. at Woodstock Elementary School on Rope Mill Road, travels down Main Street through the downtown area, and ends at the Sam’s Club on Ga. 92.
Pre-parade activities will include a free performance at 2 p.m. of "A Christmas Carol" by the Elm Street Theater. Theater-goers can use as their tickets a can of stew, chili or chunky soup, peanut butter or a monetary donation to benefit Papa's Pantry. Information: www.elmstreetarts.org.
After the parade, Santa will attend the official tree lighting with city officials and be in the gazebo. Cookies, hot cider, hot cocoa, food vendors, children's crafts and activities, parade awards and Preservation Woodstock's Citizen of the Year award, Secret Santa donations for foster kids of Cherokee County, and other holiday-related events are planned. Information: https://bit.ly/2Q6pdLi
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