Students, teachers and school staff members in Cobb County have just a few more days before they have to wrap up their summer vacations and return to the classroom.

The first day of school for the 2019-20 school year for Marietta City Schools and the Cobb County School District is Thursday, Aug. 1.

The calendar for both school systems show students will have mid-semester breaks in late September and February, along with the November, December and April breaks. Here are the dates for school year 2019-2020 you need to know for both school systems:

Marietta City Schools

Aug. 1: first day of school for students

Sept. 2: Labor Day (school holiday)

Sept. 16-20: K-5 Conference Week (students dismissed at 1:15 p.m.)

Sept. 23-27: fall break

Oct. 14-18: Marietta Center for Advanced Academics/ Marietta Sixth Grade Academy/Marietta Middle School Fall Conference Week (Marietta Middle School students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. while MCAA and MSGA students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m.)

Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving break

Dec. 20: end of first semester

Dec. 23-31, Jan. 1-3, 2020: winter break

Jan. 8, 2020: first day of second semester

Jan. 20, 2020: MLK Jr. Day (school holiday)

Feb. 13-14, 2020: K-5 Spring Conferences (students dismissed at 1:15 p.m.)

Feb. 17-21, 2020: mid-winter break

March 19-20, 2020: MCAA/MSGA/MMS Spring Conferences

(MMS dismissal at 12:30 p.m. and MCAA/MSGA dismissal at 1:30 p.m.)

April 6-10, 2020: Spring break

May 22, 2020: Last day of school, end of second semester

Cobb County Schools

Aug. 1: first day of school for students

Sept. 2: Labor Day (school holiday)

Sept. 23-27: fall break

Oct. 10: early release day for students

Oct. 14-18: Elementary/Middle Schools Conference Week (early release days for students in those grade levels)

Nov. 5: Election Day (student holiday/staff day)

Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving break

Dec. 19-20: early release days for students

Dec. 23-31, Jan. 1-3, 2020: winter break

Jan. 6, 2020: first day of second semester

Jan. 20, 2020: MLK Jr. Day (school holiday)

Feb. 17-21, 2020: mid-winter break

March 11, 2020: early release day

April 6-10, 2020: Spring break

May 19-20, 2020: early release day

May 20, 2020: last day of the second semester

May 21-22, 2020: student holiday/post-planning

> Back to school 2019: Articles and info for metro Atlanta families

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Fulton County Superior Court Judge Shermela Williams faces another round of ethics complaints file by the state's judicial watchdog agency. (Courtesy of Fulton County Government)

Credit: Fulton County government