If you find yourself with stomach space five days after Thanksgiving and a continued hankering for avian flesh, there’s a Chick-fil-A in Cobb County for you.

For the second year, the store at 2105 Roswell Road in Marietta is holding an all-you-can-eat chicken nugget event. It will be on Nov. 27.

Last year, according to the store’s marketing director Jodi Parks, 250 people ate more than 7,000 nuggets in a two-hour period. The winner demolished 82 nuggets.

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Parks said they are changing the format this year because space (in the restaurant, not in bellies) was an issue.

There will be three heats: 5 to 6 p.m., 6 to 7 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Eaters will have 50 minutes to chomp down before last call.

“We would love to see 200-plus (competitors) in each hour,” she said.

As they did last year, the store will bring in extra staff, but this year they’ll have a dedicated crew in the kitchen.

The entry fee is $8 for kids 10 and under, and $13 for everyone else; that comes with a drink and all the nugs one can consume.

This Chick-fil-A is all about fun: Check out their holiday light show from last season

The adult and child winner of each seating will win a gift pack that includes Chick-fil-A swag and gift cards.

Another change: There will be no fries this year.

“Nobody really ate them last year,” she said. “ ... They were trying to make some gold.”

The store created a very intense hype video for the competition.

Parks acknowledges that waistlines may already be stretched right after Thanksgiving, but she has faith.

“We hope that people will be waiting to start their diets until the new year,” she said.

And because The Atlanta Journal-Constitution cares about you, click here for nugget nutritional information.

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