I am shocked to learn that an Atlanta police officer kept his job after driving under the influence the wrong way on Interstate 85 and striking a Greyhound bus.

When high school seniors cannot do simple math, we know there is something wrong with the school system. And it is not the teacher's fault. They are forced to pass and give higher scores by irate parents and administrators.

What is so important that you have to leave kids in the car, but you remember your cell phone?

I hate lawyers until I need one. And then I still hate them.

Light crime sentences mean little regard for the law. Lock them up and lay down the law right away and watch change.

Tomatoes are fun to give away.

So sad for the woman who was beaten in the Phipps parking lot. Parking lot security is a must or people should not shop where it is unsafe.

It's what's done in the name of religion that scares atheists.

My purpose in life is not to make a ton of money. I get so much joy from volunteering four hours a week. What do YOU do to enrich others' lives?

Times sure have changed. When I was very young, my mom would leave us four kids in the car sometimes when she shopped. My older sister would take me out of our car and put me in a stranger's car. She'd tell me the strangers would give me a ride home. Somehow, I always made it back home safely.

It's Christians and Muslim believers that are so wound up they either desperately try to convert you or dispatch you for not adhering to their concepts.

I was so shocked to see that of the ten healthiest places to live in America, Georgia was not listed!

Being an Atheist, I think everyone does the best they can for their life's conditioning.

The greatest honor is to be at the bottom of the Vents!

We all blamed Bush during his administration for everything going wrong in our lives and the world. I know I did. But now we are all blaming Obama for the same reasons. Neither of them has any control over Congress or the rest of the world.

Greedy Old Party is good, but Gang Of Phonies is more accurate.

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