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A man spending time with his children is a beautiful sight.

To all the fathers out there that are raising their children with love and respect: Happy Father's Day to you!

I miss you, Daddy. Happy Father's Day —- do y'all celebrate that in heaven?

I could have sworn I was just picking out what color bike my little girl likes the other day, so how did I get to this car dealership today? Enjoy those first 17 years, future fathers. Time "really does fly"!

As a 60-year-old father, my little girl will always be my little girl until the day I am no longer on this earth.

I am the dad and the head of my household. I am also a strength to my in-laws and siblings. I am whom my extended family and friends turn to for advice. How do I do it? I bend my knees every day, I get up early to read His word, and I give out the love that my Father gives me.

I paid my taxes and paid my taxes and paid my taxes, and I think I even paid someone else's taxes, too.

A good sense of direction and a map don't mean diddly squat in Atlanta. However, my GPS doesn't know that 14th Street is closed over I-75, either.

I wish to thank all charitable, benevolent and political organizations. I have just finished papering my master bathroom with your address labels.

People have road rage because you slow drivers think the left-hand lane is your best friend.

My 6-year-old wants to go to New Hamster to visit her aunt.

If I'm gonna pay for your health care, I'm going to insist you live by my rules!

I agree, new teen drivers should have a bumper sticker that reads "Newly Licensed." How about one for adults that reads, "I'm not driving drunk, I'm on the cellphone"?

Would someone explain to me why you would ever pay to have a credit card?

Everybody pays to have a credit card. It just doesn't show up in your bill.

Most of the problems in this country boil down to the fact that so many people want babies and so few want to be parents.

Now that some people's TVs have gone blank, maybe they will get up off the couch and do something productive.

Why does it have to be band versus football? Both have their place in schools. However, as an adult, I derive more pleasure from my musical training than I do from my football playing days.

Anyone not sympathetic to the teaching profession may be among the very parents that are the source of the problem!

The reason I have got money: I did not spend it, and I do not buy into such scams as the lottery.

The Fulton County tag office on Roswell Road was quick, efficient, helpful and courteous. I hope that it spreads to other parts of our local government.

It's nice to know if there's a chance of dangerous weather, but why do we stress over the regular weather? It is what it is. A little unpredictability keeps it interesting.

Hey, Gwinnett, just wait until one of your commissioners gets T-boned and see how fast those red-light cameras go back.

Referring to that reality TV couple as "Speidi" is an insult to Spider-Man.

Why can't they make a good pair of men's dress shoes that have a nonskid surface? Those wet marble floors in my office are a nightmare to walk on!

The only problem with home schooling is the teachers.

Stop believing Southern values are slipping. You've been listening to the rudeness of too many Northern transplants, pretending to be one of us.

Bicyclists think they deserve equal rights on the road? Well, when they stop breezing through red lights, riding on the wrong side of the road, and taking shortcuts on sidewalks ... then we will talk!