Sugar Hill holding virtual Memorial Day ceremony, monument dedication

Sugar Hill’s sign vendor recently completed installing metal panels that make up the flag display connecting memorial panels at the city’s new Veterans Memorial Plaza. (Courtesy City of Sugar Hill)

Sugar Hill’s sign vendor recently completed installing metal panels that make up the flag display connecting memorial panels at the city’s new Veterans Memorial Plaza. (Courtesy City of Sugar Hill)

The city of Sugar Hill will be taking its Memorial Day celebration and veteran’s monument dedication virtual this year.

Memorial Day ceremonies and celebrations are being canceled or moved online across metro Atlanta because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control discourages the gathering of more than 10 people, as large groups could make it easier for the virus to spread.

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The ceremony will be held at the new veteran’s monument in downtown Sugar Hill. Mayor Steve Edwards, Sugar Hill American Legion Post 127, the Broad Street Concert Band Quintet, the Suwanee Creek Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and volunteers from the Boy Scouts will present at the ceremony.

The city is not barring the public from the event, but “strongly encourages” people to view from home instead of in person. Those who choose to attend are required to wear a mask and stay six feet away from all other people except those they live with. The city asks that anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, is experiencing symptoms or may have been exposed to someone with the virus stay home.

Sugar Hill will stream its ceremony on its Facebook page on Monday, May 25 at 11 a.m. In addition to honoring military members who have died in the line of duty, the city will also dedicate its new veterans monument, which is the centerpiece of a new downtown plaza. The city broke ground on the memorial on the 75th anniversary of D-Day in a June 2019 ceremony, and the project was recently completed.

If you plan on heading out to the polls, your polling place will likely look very different.