Snellville is moving closer to the creation of a Towne Center. City officials unanimously approved a contract recently with TSW to design a library/city market building.

The $1,261,306 contract calls for the city to fund $922,890 and Gwinnett paying the difference. County officials are expected to approve the contract at a May Board of Commissioners meeting.

The plan calls for relocating the Snellville’s public library currently on Lenora Church Road to the Towne Center. Coupled with a city market based on similar retail space like the historic Atlanta Curb Market, the building and parking deck will become the anchor of Snellville’s Towne Center. A floor above the library/city market could be used as classroom space for a surrounding college and other beneficial civic uses.

City officials are targeting mid-2019 to break ground once design plans and a new agreement is negotiated with Gwinnett for construction.

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