Teenage city Sandy Springs is set to have another first.
The city, incorporated in 2005, is holding its inaugural Sparkle Sandy Springs Holiday Parade at 4 p.m. on Dec. 8, which is a Sunday.
There will be a Christmas tree lighting and food trucks along with hot chocolate and cookies to keep folks warm before the parade begins at 5:30 p.m.
READ | Want to light your fireplace this winter? Sandy Springs Fire has tips.
Credit: Courtesy of Sandy Springs
Credit: Courtesy of Sandy Springs
The parade starts at the Heritage water tower and will head down Mount Vernon Highway, ending with a tree lighting at City Springs.
"Sparkle Sandy Springs features a holiday village of artfully displayed six-foot-tall wooden houses painted in holiday themes and adorned with lights creating a magical, walkable light display," the city said.
The downtown display will be up the whole holiday season.
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