The health score of the Silver Dragon in Conyers dropped 50 points during a recent routine inspection, and the inspector said management and employees needed additional training on food safety codes.
Raw meats were not being handled with care to prevent contamination. For example, raw chicken and raw beef were thawing inside the same container with juices co-mingling. The Rockdale County inspector said different meats should be kept separate because they have different cook temperatures. Putting them together risks cross-contamination.
Other raw meats were also thawing incorrectly. Raw chicken was in the vegetable sink. Some raw frozen meat was left on the prep table to thaw at room temperature. It was placed in the meat sink under running water.
Silver Dragon, 1889 Highway 138, Conyers, scored 47/U, a steep drop from previous scores of 96/A and 95/A.
Points were also taken off because employees were not following hand-washing procedures. One was observed washing hands without soap. Another washed hands in the dish sink. Two of the employee hand sinks were filled with dishes, scoops, utensils and pieces of wood.
Among other violations, food was uncovered in the prep cooler. Some items on the food buffet were not hot enough and were discarded. The prep tables and one of the cutting boards had an accumulation of food debris.
The inspector said the entire kitchen needed cleaning more thoroughly and more frequently. Grease and food debris had accumulated around the fryers and wok area, and also on walls, floor and ceiling.
Silver Dragon will be re-inspected.
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